We went out for supper on New Year's Eve at a restaurant called La Pena del Sol Latino. The food was good, and so was the live music! The group played music with a Guatemalan flare to it.
J.J. didn't last to see the New Year in! (neither did I...)
These little shoe shine boys came in the restaurant looking for business. They shined Larry's shoes, and we gave them a little New Year's tip!
Victor with "the leader of the band."
Amy, Katie & Esau
This is just a little idea of how the streets of Antigua looked on New Year's Eve. Larry escorted the boys and I back to the apartment, but he and the "big kids" joined the festivities on the street.
What is it about your own child sleeping that you think you could just look at them forever and never tire of it? They grow up so fast, so take that opportunity now to gaze on your sleeping child, and maybe even place a light kiss on that little cheek.