Thursday, September 6, 2007

Adoptive Family Reunion

August 24-26 were the dates for our 2nd Annual Adoptive Family Reunion. We met our friends on Ottertail Lake in MN. Our common bond that ties us together is that all of us have adopted from Guatemala, and spent time there together throughout the process. We started this tradition to keep in touch, because our shared experiences have made us like family. I think it's a tradition that will continue, because... to quote Heather, "it was the best weekend of the summer!"

Clara & Lily

Dwight--king of the grill!

Kyla and Foxy

Heeere's Robby!

How many bears?

Anna, my roommate in Guatemala, with Mike & Douglas

All of the kids--more or less!

Please, Daddy?

Banana pancakes...with peaches!

I am the reason my daddy is so tired...


Norine B said...

Yaaaayyy LISA! Way to go! You're too cool for school now! I'm adding you to my "fave blogs" list, right now! And I have to say I love seeing the progress you've made photographically. These are really gorgeous samples of your work. Congratulations.

kate said...

Mom, you are amazing amazing amazing! (I said that three times for emphasis) I'll tell you all my favorites when I come home...I really like some of the interesting perspectives like the picture of Diane and Larry and the one of Jay and Ollie. I also love the one of the water pouring out of Victor's boot!