What about this one, Dad?
Amy makes a selection
How much is all this going to cost?
I must admit, I just got a new lens I'm very excited about--a 15mm fish-eye. I know you're not supposed to overuse it or it loses its impact, but you will see quite a few of these fish-eye images, because, hey, I had to practice with it!
Jonathan HATED the firewoks and kept his hands over his ears the whole time.
It finally warmed up enough for me to get into the lake! (photo credit: Amy Swenson)
I made Amy give me my little camera (against her better judgement) to take this picture from the water.
It was super special to meet my friend Aundrea and her family at the Stump Lake Campground.
Jonathan got to go inside this train at Stump Lake Village. He was enthralled with every part of it, inside and out!
Playing in the fountain feels good on a hot day!

Around the campfire
We ended our day at Stump Lake with a talent show. This is Aundrea's son Ethan playing his violin.
There's a little story behind these photos--we were sitting at our kitchen table when Larry saw Victor paddling furiously towards the dock. Larry went running out, jumped on a bicycle and pedaled quickly down to the lake. Sure enough, Oliver had pushed Jonathan off the dock and into the water! Luckily, Larry had put a life jacket on him just moments before. By the time Larry got down there, Victor was pulling Jonathan in to shore. But the best part of the story (besides Jonathan's safe return to shore) was that when he fell in, he lost his shoe. Well, here came Ollie, swimming in behind them, with the shoe in his mouth! A retriever through and through. After Larry saw how good the life jacket worked, he decided it was OK for Jonathan to ride in the kayak with Victor!
Yikes! I think Ollie should have retreived Jonathan before he retrieved the shoe!
Thanks for sharing all your 4th of July fotos! It was fun to share the holiday with your family!
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