Sunday, December 28, 2008


Saturday morning we awoke to a beautiful new snowfall. What better thing to do than go snowmobiling?

JJ was very timid about trying the sled, but we finally convinced him that Daddy would go slow and be careful.

Uh-oh! Wipe-out!

Getting right back on the horse.

Smooth sailing again!

Faster, Daddy! This is fun!

Awww...J got cold

You have to wonder what the neighbors think--I'm probably the only person in the neighborhood who rides on a snowmobile facing backwards and on a sled with a camera.

End of the ride

And finally, one of me.

Gingerbread House

We even had time to build a gingerbread house! (OK, so it was from a kit, but we are dealing with a 3 yr. old here.)

Snow Scenes

These are for Katie (and Esau.) Just look at all the snow! Ollie's checking things out before he goes out to play.

These are Oliver's dog "friends" that always bark at us when we go out walking.

Larry's getting the fish house moved out to the lake.

Christmas Day at the Lake

Ah, the long awaited Christmas morning! Somehow Jonathan got wind of Christmas at least a month ago, but not really understanding what it was (except that it somehow involved presents and fun) he kept talking about, "Let's go to Christmas, let's go to Christmas." What a long month it was!

The kids with their presents and stockings

Even Ollie gets a stocking!

Jonathan playing with the packaging

Larry got a new coat

and I got a certificate for a new dishwasher. Wonder what they'll say when I bring that into the store?

Jonathan with his Thomas the Train

Victor got a new Nintendo

Larry got the grain cart he always wanted

Now Jonathan can have Victor's old Nintendo--no more fighting!

Ending the day with steaks (yes, cooked outside) and shrimp for supper!

Christmas Eve

Can you believe that Santa came to the lake before we got there and left all these presents in our porch? Coincidentally, Larry got there before us, too! Here is Victor checking out all the presents.