Saturday morning we awoke to a beautiful new snowfall. What better thing to do than go snowmobiling?

JJ was very timid about trying the sled, but we finally convinced him that Daddy would go slow and be careful.
Uh-oh! Wipe-out!

Getting right back on the horse.

Smooth sailing again!

Faster, Daddy! This is fun!
Hi, Mom and I are enjoying blogs tonight! Your snowy ND Christmas looked old fashioned and enchanting. I esp liked the picture of the sunset across the snow covered lake with Jonathan in the foreground. We are a little more "spring like" in Wyoming - it got over 30 and is melting the little snow we got a few days ago.
We're glad Santa found the lake home! Don't lose your dishwasher certificate. Mom was really glad to see you are getting a new one. She said you needed one!
Thank Amy for answering Brittany's request so promptly :) It would sure be something if both our neices were at the same college.
Love, Bonnie
Nice to see a photo of the "eye behind the lens" for once! I love love love your photos. Honestly, every one is a work of art. I especially realize this now since I've started taking more pictures. The snow scene of Ollie's friends blew me away. If I didn't recognize the place, I would bet you just scanned something out of National Geographic.
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