Our Christmas Day in Guatemala was not spent in your typical way--in a park instead of at home, hiking instead of caroling, eating Domino's pizza instead of turkey, and playing soccer instead of sledding! And the gift giving...well, that was kept to a bare minimum, much to Santa's relief! Abraham's family invited us to go to a park near Antigua called Florencia. It was a beautiful place, almost like a reserve, and it was really neat to experience some of Guatemala's bountiful natural beauty. The first thing we did was hike down this trail into a ravine, in search of a spring of water. It was an arduous task, and our relief in reaching the bottom was quickly
dispelled by the realization of having to climb to the top again. Oh well, it only increased our appetite for the four large Domino's pizzas that awaited us!
Larry and Jonathan along the trail. The sign says, "Take heart! Keep on going!" I love the dubious expression on Jonathan's face.

Our whole group.

Just our family

A sign telling about the spring of water (in Spanish, literally, birth of water)

Waiting in line for the ladies' bathroom

Our picnic spot

These people know how to prepare a maximum fruit salad with a minimum of fuss!
(Abraham and his wife Sylvia)

One of Abraham's precious daughters

A little girl playing ball with her daddy in the picnic spot next to us

After lunch, the soccer game! Larry's first attempt at playing goalie.

Esau is an accomplished soccer player!
Abraham shows us some tricks.

Can an American girl play goalie?

Melvin shows us how he can pick up the soccer ball without using his hands.
Back at the apartment
The presents!

Watching the kids open their gifts.
Just what I always wanted...
...a gumball machine!
Esau loved the sweatshirt and sweater Katie got for him...
...and Amy almost shed a few tears over the special photo gift that Katie made for her!

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