In Guatemala, the kids' meal is a "cajita feliz." Literally, a "happy little box." When Jonathan got his, he started singing "Happy Birthday to you!" To quote my friend Aundrea, isn't it great when a Happy Meal actually makes you happy? Oh, the beauty & simplicity of little children!
Santa hung out in the Central Park all through the holiday season, and past--and up to 4 Santas at a time! Nothing like confusing the children! Jonathan started saying, "Santa says, ho, ho, ho!"
Katie spent the first week studying Spanish at CSA, where she studied before. Here she is with her teacher.
There is a reason Cafe Condesa is such a popular spot!
Aundrea came to visit us in Guatemala for the first few days we were there. It was absolutely awesome to show her the sights of Antigua, and introduce her to our friends! Not to mention, a few restaurants. We loved the food at La Fonda de La Calle Real, mostly typical Guatemalan fare. I could go for a bowl of their black bean soup right now!
Our very special minister, Ronald, building a puzzle with Jonathan. Ronald was a great source of support for me during the time I spent in Guatemala while the adoptions were being completed.
Some of our Guatemalan friends and two ministers who came for lunch and a Bible study at our apartment.
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