We got the whole family together for Easter in South Dakota--this was the first time in many years that no one was missing, plus we've added a few! We have Grandma Alice, Grandpa Kon & Grandma Becky, my family, my sister Kristine and her family in the middle (plus Eron's new bride Danielle and Eric's girlfriend Elsie) and my sister Emily and her family (on left.)

Dad wasn't happy about getting his picture taken, but I think he looks kinda handsome!

Loren & Kristine's family: The newlyweds, Eron & Danielle, Eric & his girlfriend Elsie, Kristine, Loren and Elise.

The three siblings

Giving their sis a hard time.

All the girls!! Katie & Amy are happy there are a couple more now!
L to R: Elsie, Amy, Danielle, Katie, Elise
Giving Emily a hair makeover. Katie has a real talent for fixing hair!

Jonathan and cousin Trey are both three, and they had so much fun together!

It wouldn't be Easter without coloring Easter eggs.

At Emily and Kerry's, the fun never ends! Giving "airplane rides."
Easter Sunday was spent at Grandma Becky & Grandpa Kon's. After a wonderful Easter dinner, we had to hide the Easter eggs! (several times)
Counting the eggs before another hunt.
One of the perils of hiding real eggs--another being not finding one until much later!

Open the chute and let 'em out! We made the boys stay on the porch while we hid the eggs, and promise not to peek.
I found one!
Sitting on the step and posing for a picture just like Auntie Lisa told him to.

Why you shouldn't hunt Easter eggs in your "Sunday go to meetin' clothes."
Trying to get the two boys to sit together for a picture. Look who ISN'T sitting!
Visiting in the living room. I don't know who put Baby Petey on Grandpa's shoulder.
Great to see all your family again Lisa! Wish it was in person. I've tried leaving a message twice before and it didn't seem to work. Sounds like you have some busy auction days about now! I read about your class in the Cando paper, and would sign up if I were closer. Love, Bonnie
Nice to see the pictures. Especially of interest was all the family together last month.
Thanks for sharing them.
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