Jonathan celebrated his 3rd birthday in style! He had so much fun opening his presents and eating cake--he is starting to get this birthday thing figured out! We were happy that Grandma Irene got to come to his party, especially since neither of his sisters were here. I "hid" some presents in the basement for him to open when Amy came home, but realized Jonathan had found them when he told me "birthday downstairs!"
Licking the beaters is an important part of making birthday cake.

Even Petey got a present--Grandma Irene made him a little blankie! We thought it was about the cutest thing when I was taking Petey's picture...Jonathan stood behind me and said "Peek!" to make Petey "smile."
Now that I'm 3, I know what to do with presents!

Blow out the candles!
"I did it!"
Jonathan's favorite birthday present. He played with it for hours!
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